5 Cloud Migration Challenges Consulting Services Can Help With

If you’ve made the decision to migrate your IT architecture to the cloud, you’re in good company. In a recent report on cloud adoption, cloud usage among respondents grew to 90% while 48% said they planned to migrate half or more of their apps to the cloud in 2022.  From a security, cost, and efficiency standpoint, migration to the cloud makes a lot of sense. However, it can be a complicated undertaking. Alacriti Consulting can assist with the following: 

1. New Level of Complexity

Moving away from your current infrastructure and taking on new products and services can be nerve-racking. Implementing a strategy, understanding your current business model, and having a partner will help ease the transition to Alacriti’s cloud partner, AWS. Alacriti Consulting can provide you with a clear path to success. 

2. Roadmap and Migration Plan

Before beginning the transformation journey, the firm should develop a roadmap and migration plan that establishes priorities and the steps needed to accomplish them in sequence. The cloud architecture should incorporate backup and redundancy features while addressing security and performance concerns. It should also integrate toolsets and processes to manage the cloud (once implemented) and to make sure anticipated business benefits are realized. With Alacriti Consulting spearheading these efforts with your firm, it will be a smoother transition.

3. Transforming Delivery

A holistic cloud implementation should result in a centralized, fact-based delivery program that incorporates DevOps and automation. A common misconception is that migrating to the AWS Cloud will result in a lot of downtime. Through a robust, tightly controlled approach to governance, companies are positioned to conduct business-as-usual activities in parallel with cloud migration initiatives. A key milestone might include the elimination of data centers, for example. Alacriti Consulting will help you create a phased approach. 

4. Designing a Talent Strategy

A clear benefit of migrating to the cloud is the ability to leverage more modern, innovative solutions to benefit the firm and end-users. Cloud-based financial service companies can access a variety of solutions using Software as a Service (SaaS) models. In most cases, however, they will develop their own software for core functions. This means not only attracting and retaining new types of talent, but giving development teams what they need to innovate and deliver. The challenge of finding talent with the scarce and specialized skills required in a tight market to maintain the cloud post-migration should not be underestimated. Alacriti Consulting can provide a team of AWS Certified Professionals at a more cost-effective price to get your firm migrated and deployed more quickly. 

5. Transforming Your Data 

Your data can be an important competitive differentiator. To position the company for growth and disrupt the market, data should be harnessed and analyzed in real-time and with a high degree of accuracy. Cloud solutions are secure, highly scalable, and offer the fastest path to transforming enterprise data. With the help of Alacriti Consulting powered by AWS, your firm can get there faster in a cost-effective manner. 

For more on moving to the cloud, read Why is AWS a Good Choice for a Cloud Provider

Updated from a blog originally published January 5, 2021. 

Alacriti Consulting, an Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS, provides consulting, migration, management services, and security assessments for AWS environments. Whether you need assistance with data migration or to prepare for compliance audits, Alacriti is here to help. For more information please call (908) 791-2916 or email awsconsulting@alacriti.com.

Picture of Tiffany Taylor

Tiffany Taylor

Blog Contributor
Tiffany Taylor is a technology marketing professional with broad expertise in a number of marketing disciplines and financial technology expertise including payments, retail and digital banking, core processing, and lending. As the owner of Tiffany Taylor Marketing, Tiffany brings a well-rounded perspective to FinTech marketing and creative content development.

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