2019 CS Week Conference

Alacriti is excited to speak at CS Week Conference 43, the premier annual customer service conference serving electric, gas, and water-related utility professionals across North America.

Stuart Bain, SVP of Product Management at Alacriti will present a session dedicated to, ‘Emerging Payment Channels: How Secure Are They?’, on Tuesday, April 9 at 10:15 am. In this session, Stuart will provide CS Week attendees a better understanding of how to maintain payments security and compliance as new channels emerge. You can also find Alacriti at Booth 739 in the exhibit hall throughout the event.

CS Week is one of the largest industry conferences serving the utility space, bringing together customer service managers, IT executives, billing specialists, finance directors, and others to explore high-quality technology and strategies to achieve customer service success. This year’s conference will take place April 8 – 12 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Learn more about CS Week.

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