Modern loan payment solutions are more than just a convenience; they’re a necessity for credit unions to offer a better experience for members. Using your solution’s reporting to its full potential is one of the key components to delivering a better experience.
In this Finopotamus-hosted webinar, Alacriti’s Stuart Bain, SVP of Product Management, delves into the world of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) reporting, showcasing how robust and dynamic reporting capabilities can transform your credit union’s approach to billing and payments. He also provides the insights needed to make informed decisions and drive success, including:
- Reporting – It’s Not Just For Settlement: Discover how reporting extends beyond mere settlement and plays a crucial role in strategic decision-making.
- Who, Where, When, What & How?: Learn how to leverage reporting to gain insights into customer behavior and payment trends.
- A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words: Explore how visualizations and dashboards can simplify complex data and provide actionable insights.
- We Did A Thing, Did It Work?: Understand the importance of tracking the effectiveness of new initiatives and campaigns through reporting.
- It’s the 1st of the Month, Do You Know What Your Customers Have Been Up To?: Find out how to stay on top of customer activity and preferences with detailed reporting.
- Finding A Needle in a Haystack: Learn how advanced reporting tools can help you quickly identify and address anomalies or issues.