Many financial institutions are turning toward funding agents to manage their position within The Clearing House (TCH) RTPĀ® network funding account. This funding account allows TCH to clear and settle the transaction at the same time that the actual transaction is being made from member to member. Funding agents provide financial institutions with the liquidity needed on weekends and holidays, ensuring their account has an adequate balance.

In this Callahan hosted webinar, Toby Thomas, VP, Product Marketing Strategist at Corporate One FCU, and Mark Majeske, Senior Vice President Faster Payments at Alacriti, cover what credit unions should know about using funding agents to connect to real-time payment rails.

Credit unions will learn:

  • Why funding agents make sense for some credit unions
  • Which financial institutions can use funding agents
  • Steps needed to secure a funding agent
  • The benefits and challenges of managing your own funding account position
  • The impact funding agents have on credit union operations and Fed requirements

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